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The Miles Were Worth It!

Shonda Guthrie • July 7, 2022

"It was a long way to Texas A&M, but the miles were worth it!"

-West Alabama FCA Camper

Fifteen student-athletes and five sponsors took off on a long journey to attend the 2nd largest FCA Sports camp in the nation at Texas A&M in College Station, Texas.  Along the way, we toured 3 different colleges, including University of West Alabama, Louisiana Tech, and Prairie View A&M.  After twelve hours on the road, we stopped at Brenham's First Baptist Church for some late night basketball and a night of rest.  The next morning brought the smell of  breakfast casserole, Texas kolaches, and biscuits provided by my dad's Sunday School class.  With full bellies, we finished our journey to College Station to begin camp!  Our student-athletes were met with music, the smiling faces of staff and huddle leaders, and the excitement of other campers.  FCA sports camp boast two daily sessions of 3-hour skill development and practices in the focus sport of each athlete in attendance.  Time was set aside to model daily devotions, and nightly worship was the highlight for many of our campers.  Huddles were formed from within each sport and age group.  These huddles spent time together over meals, breaks, and met after nightly worship to discuss the message.  We returned fifteen tired kids on July 3, but each student-athlete came back richer than they left!  Their new wealth consists of friendships, biblical truth, new experiences, and the hope and joy we can only have through knowing Jesus.  Out of 460 campers, 149 decisions were made to either follow Jesus for the first time or commit to following Jesus with more depth than ever before.  Thank you for your investment that allowed us to give fifteen athletes a sports experience like none other!

"Thank you so much for this amazing experience! I have learned so much! I have also grown so much closer to God, which was my goal and improved in the sport I love: Volleyball!" 

- Khila |  Volleyball  (Central High School)

"Thanks FCA for a great experience."   - Austin | Basketball  (Holt)

"I learned a lot more about Jesus and God."  - Marchello | Basketball  (Bryant High School)

"Thank you for making this possible for me to be here.  My favorite part of the day that I loved was a worship at night.  At this camp I learned to love God and know that He is always with me." 

-Zharia | Volleyball  (Greensboro High School)

"What an amazing experience FCA Sports Camp was for Arie! I wasn’t sure how she would like going to FCA Sports Camp at Texas A&M. She is generally pretty shy and reserved, so I was apprehensive about her traveling to such a big camp so far away. But Arie had a fantastic time and she came back a new version of herself. The first day of practice that Arie was back, she carried herself with a new confidence, communicated better with teammates and has only had good things to say about her experience. As her volleyball coach, that is amazing! But even more amazing than that is knowing that she made steps to grow in her relationship with Jesus, as someone who cares about Arie as a person, that has been the most magnificent part of this experience. I highly recommend for coaches (and parents) to send their kids to FCA camp whenever possible!"

-Riley | Volleyball  Coach (Holt)

"Thank you for letting me be part of this camp.  I really enjoyed it!"

- Christian | Football  (Hale County)

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By Christie Swinney October 14, 2021
Being a coach’s wife is a unique role, especially when you’re the wife of a head coach in one sport and an assistant in another. Although it can be tough, it’s so rewarding to watch my husband be such a great mentor. As a coach’s wife, when you really dig into the sport that they coach, it also becomes part of your life. Those running backs become like your sons and the softball players are like your daughters. I don’t think of it as time away from our family, I think of it as we are gaining a family that we get to watch grow. Attending the FCA "minis-tea" affirmed all these things for me. To know that there are other wives out there who went through the same struggles, but also came to the same realizations, was a game changer for me. I was literally brought to tears when some of them spoke about their experiences and even prayed over our personal families. It brought about a connection that I haven’t really experienced before. It was real and it was honest. It’s not always easy and sometimes I want to throw in the towel on sports, but I can’t. It changes lives!! It has changed our lives. I hope that there are many more FCA wife meetings that can reach even more coach’s wives and that these wives can see the importance of having a coaching “family” that they can depend on. This should not be something you do alone. I’m so glad I was invited to this event and I can’t wait to see where this program takes us. GO PATS! Christie Swinney
By Coach Sarah Kelley August 14, 2021
Through the Eyes of a Coach Hello! My name is Sarah Kelley, and I attended the FCA running camp as a coach with our cross country boys and girls teams a few weeks ago. In all honesty, I was not expecting a lot to come from our four days at this camp. The camp dates also fell on some difficult days in my schedule, and I was extremely close to backing out and not going. However, I am so thankful that I did go because the Lord overwhelmed me with His presence and faithfulness to the kids and myself. Prior to camp, I had been in a season (because of COVID) of extreme isolation for over a year. I have had to do school online, my husband was away for work for almost seven months, and meeting with friends and groups was challenging. It had been a while since I had experienced deep fellowship with other believers. One of the ways the Lord ministered to me during my time at camp was through the community and fellowship with other coaches and adult staff. I walked away from that time refreshed and encouraged in my walk with the Lord. I was also encouraged by seeing how the Lord worked in the lives of our athletes. His Spirit moved and worked in our kids' hearts, and I had the pleasure of witnessing the power and presence of His Spirit not only during worship but also during the other activities of the day. I was encouraged and motivated to continue to look for ways to show our kids Christ after camp. I have a unique opportunity to work with these kids on a weekly basis at our workouts. I am looking forward to seeing how the Lord continues to work in their lives and I am excited to continue to show the love of Christ to them in creative and more intentional ways this next year. I am so thankful that I was able to attend camp this summer. The Lord refreshed and encouraged me in ways I didn't even know that I needed. I am incredibly grateful to the people who sacrificed so much to sponsor some of the team to attend. Thank you for your gift and your faithfulness to the Lord! I pray that the Lord will bless you for your diligence to Him. Much Love, Sarah Kelley Through the Eyes of a Camper FCA running camp was a fantastic experience, of which God used to work in my life and the lives of my teammates. In addition, I interacted with many other runners who love the Lord, and I had a ton of fun being with them. During huddle time (bible study time), I was with a small group of girls and an older college student leader who led us in our study during our time at camp. Something in particular that stuck out to me, that my leader said was, "You need to share your convictions and struggles with others." I'm the kind of person who wants to keep that stuff locked in a closet where it can't be seen. I don't want to talk about those past things. However, our leader shared something personal that she wrestled with in her past. She said she held it in for a long time until God prompted her to share her convictions with one of her close Godly friends. Her friend was able to work through it with her, and she no longer had to carry the burden of her sin alone. The day before the last day at camp was a pivotal day for me. In hindsight, God's plan was so perfect and precise. During breakout time, all of the athletes were able to choose a lecture to attend. The lectures were on different topics. That day, I decided to attend the Females Only class and what was discussed was not what I was expecting. The teacher talked about confessing our convictions and not hiding/shutting the door on painful past things. That night at the chapel, the pastor taught on pursuing team. One thing he said that hit me was that "You can't go through life on your own." He shared about the importance of confessing to other believers. He also talked about how if our struggles and sins are in the light, we can fight it, but the enemy can control it if it is in the dark. The worship afterward was intense. You could feel God's Spirit moving throughout the room. As a whole, my entire team was moved by the Lord that night. Later that night, our girls' team got together to talk, and I confessed something to them that I had locked away for three years. It was as if a weight was being taken off my shoulders; I no longer had to carry that burden on my own. We confessed to each other, cried together, and loved on one another. Because God’s Spirit moved at this camp and we were able to go to this camp, our girls' team grew closer to each other and to Christ. It was an experience that nothing can compare to; a small taste of heaven. We were able to worship and pray together, with confidence, among other Christians. God worked miracles and opened hearts at this camp. This camp was a 10 out of 10, and it would be something I would love to have the pleasure of doing again. I praise God for the people who made this camp happen and for the people that contributed towards us being able to go. I am so grateful to them. Karis Kelley
By Riley Balsmeyer August 13, 2021
With the school year right around the corner, the interns got to head out of town a little ways to reboot and connect at True Vine. The retreat was kicked off by prayer warrior, Mrs. Bette, who talked with us about the power of prayer before blessing each one of us. It was such a treat to hear Mrs. Bette and her husband, Dr. McRae, share their wisdom and encouragement. But the fellowship didn't stop there, it was just beginning. Next up on the agenda was a delicious dinner cooked up by our board president, Dustin, and served by board members, Mrs. Carolyn and Mrs. Danielle. During dinner, the interns received some more wisdom and encouragement from each of the board members. The interns were fueled up and ready to take on the high ropes course at night, a unique experience that led to a lot of teamwork, laughter and trust. The True Vine staff were adept at walking our group through the actual ropes course, while also helping us see how similar the course was to our own lives and walks with Christ. The same tools we learned we needed to successfully navigate the ropes are the same ones we need to navigate our lives. Faith even when we can't see, the support of others and a willingness to persist through difficult circumstances were just a few of the skills reinforced. Once we tackled the high ropes course, it was off to bed. The next morning we got to connect over breakfast and meet about the upcoming school year. It was incredible to hear each intern describe their goals and plans for how to lead and serve their classmates and teammates this year. And after doing some planning for our upcoming Fields of Faith (see the Events tab to learn more) event, everyone spread out around the gorgeous grounds to have some individual prayer time. Once we were able to spend some quality time with the Lord, most of us were pretty hungry. And good thing because it was time for the interns to help Brandon cook up some paella. Paella is a Spanish dish made by combining a variety of ingredients into one delicious meal. It's the perfect metaphor for the way God uses each one of us, with our unique gifts, to unite as His family and do things much greater than anything we could accomplish alone. And it was a wonderful picture of our interns. Different schools, different sports and different personalities, but together they make up a passionate and dedicated group that is ready serve the Lord and His people. With full bellies and full hearts, it was time to hit the road back to Tuscaloosa so that the interns could prepare for the new school year. We are confident God is going to use them to be prisms of light for Jesus! Please join us in praying for them as they navigate their academics, athletics and ministry.
By Shonda Guthrie August 12, 2021
The University of West Alabama allows FCA to meet every other Tuesday night at 8pm. They meet on campus, at the Wesley Campus Ministry. FCA has partnered with Wesley, The Awakening, and Kevin Croom, head of the College Experience at the University of Alabama. "God has not only used me as a vessel, but so many of the people in the community and on campus here at UWA. We are not done yet! And in my strongest belief, God is doing something big through FCA." -Gracie Self I am the President of FCA, Grace Self. We have a Vice President, Kat Burks. We have a Treasury, Kylie Martin. And together we have 18 ambassadors from various sports teams that represent FCA and Jesus. We spread the word like crazy, so we can spread The Word. We ask people to come from our sports teams and from campus--all are welcomed. Jesus doesn’t care where you are from so neither do we. How I got here is simple yet complex . . . but I am who I am because of The Great I am. God is able to heal. If you don’t think so, look at the cross. God is able to restore. If you don’t think so look at the cross. God is able to bring life into you. If you don’t think so, look at the cross. My love story with Jesus is personal. My love story with Jesus is about a God who keeps promises. My love story with Jesus is my favorite story to tell. When I found my identity in something that is unseen, that is when I could finally see. When I found my identity in Christ, I found who I was all along. I felt different my whole life, because I am different. I am different, but so is everyone else. We are each uniquely made in Christ. We are all a part of the body of Christ . . . with different gifts, with different abilities, with different choices we made to get us here. God uses my brokenness, my past, and our love story for His Glory. I wouldn’t be here without Him. I have never experienced anything more real than when I encounter God. I talk to Him everyday . . . and He talks back. I am not afraid to tell the world about Jesus, because He is right here. The Spirit of God is here, and always will be. I live by these simple words: I am His. FCA is more than just a ministry or something to put on a resume . . . this is how Jesus will reach people here at UWA. And like I said, the best is yet to come!
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